<% If Request("action") = "try" Then If Session("u") = "" Then Response.Write("") Else Dim id As Integer = Request.QueryString("pid") Dim pname As String = Request.QueryString("name") Dim author As String = Request.QueryString("author") Dim jf As Integer = Request.QueryString("jf") Dim sq As Integer = Request.QueryString("sq") ' 授权方式:=0则为公开,=1则为需申请 Dim p_form As New Purchase_Form p_form.pid = id p_form.p_name = pname p_form.p_jf = jf p_form.P_author = author p_form.p_sq = sq Dim try_plugin As New UserManager Dim msg As String = "" try_plugin.plugin_try(p_form, Session("u"), msg) Response.Write("") End If End If If Request("action") = "exit" Then Session("u") = "" Response.Redirect("snbshop.html") End If%>
<% If Session("u") = "" Then Response.Write("     提示:您还未登录,登录后才能选购您的插件!") Else Response.Write(Session("u") & "欢迎您来到SNB插件选购平台!进入到管理界面") Response.Write("    退出登录") End If%>
<% Dim plugins As New plugin_manager Dim p_list As New List(Of Plugin) Dim plugin As New Plugin Dim pagecount As Integer = 1 Dim pages As Integer = 1 If plugins.show_plist().Count <> 0 Then p_list = plugins.show_plist() For i As Integer = 0 To p_list.Count - 1 plugin = p_list.Item(i) %>
<% if plugin.P_id > 90 then %>
<% else %> <% end if %>
插件作者:<%="***" & right(plugin.P_author,len(plugin.P_author)-4)%>
插件获取方式: <% If plugin.P_auth = 0 Then Response.Write("积分换取") Else : Response.Write("授权使用") End If%>
作者QQ: <% If Session("u") Is Nothing Or Session("u") = "" Then Response.Write("登录可见") Else Response.Write(plugin.qq) End If%>
插件认证: <% If plugin.p_shenhe = 1 Then Response.Write("SNB安全认证通过") Else Response.Write("等待SNB安全认证...") End If%>
官方推荐星级 <% Dim jb As Integer Dim j As Integer = 0 jb = CInt(plugin.PSNB / 50) if jb>5 then jb=5 end if For j = 1 To jb %> <% Next Dim str As String Dim str1 As String If plugin.p_shenhe = 0 Then str = "该插件尚未通过SNB官方测试认证,您的试用可能会给您的资金带来一定的风险,插件的功能关系到您的资金,请您谨慎考虑该插件功能,您确定是试用该插件吗?" str1 = " 您确认试用吗?确认您将有7天的使用时间,SNB软件将加载此功能插件,您若满意请与开发作者联系." Else str = "该插件已通过SNB官方测试认证,插件的功能关系到您的资金,请您谨慎考虑该插件功能,您确定试用吗?" str1 = "插件的功能关系到您的资金,请您谨慎考虑该插件功能,您确定是试用该插件吗?" End If %> <%If Session("u") = "" Then%> <% Else%> <% End If%>
<% Next Else Response.Write("
") End If %>
插件获取方式: 授权使用
插件类型:DLL插件 (购买请联系客服)
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